[Different] Landscapes
3 min readOct 28, 2020


Here in New York

For the weekend of Oct 3rd and 4th, I went to New York for getting some inspiration for my upcoming project. For most people, the first thing coming into their mind when they think about New York might be the Liberty Status, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Wall Street, or maybe the Columbia University, but for me, as a student in landscape architecture for years, it’s the central park, the Brooklyn Bridge Park, Hunter’s Point, and the Highline Park.

Central Park

Central Park is the largest park settled in the most expansive city, and the most visited place here in New York. The time I visited is the most beautiful time of the year, the leaves are half yellow/ red-ish and half green-ish.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

This is the place I visited by coincidence for the first time but become my all-time favorite. The first time I visit New York, I want to go to the Dumbo, which is a famous photo shooting place. But the uber driver brought me to the park, at that time, I have no idea about landscape architecture, and not to say about MVVA studio. But walking at this place gives me a sense of calming and relaxing in the busy urban environment. And we also borrow some ideas from this park into our Marin city’s design.

Hunter’s Point south park

I learned about this place in my undergrad study, where our instructor taught us about how this park can hold resilience and deal with flooding. And this year, I finally find a chance to visit by myself.

Highline Park

This is the legend and icon for landscape architects, and the idea is been borrow into many other places. I really enjoy the view from this elevated park. But the place seems too narrow to walk within before the pandemic, and it’s still a little narrow for social distancing during the pandemic.

